Stay before every beautiful thoughts.

Just be nice, always think twice!

React Native爬坑之路 03 State

江矿先森. React Native


class Blink extends Component {
  constructor(props) {
      this.state = {showText: true};//这里设置了一个showText,默认值为true
      // Toggle the state every second
      setInterval(() => {
        this.setState({ showText: !this.state.showText });
      }, 1000);//这里是一个定时器,每1s会执行一次,调用定时器中的方法,重新给state赋值,注意this.state.showText是获取当前showText的值,同时需要注意的是调用this.setState()后回自动调用 render() 方法从而实现界面的刷新。
    render() {
      let display = this.state.showText ? this.props.text : ' ';//这里通过showText 的值决定diaplay的值,如果为ture 则显示this.props.text属性的值,否则显示‘ ’,this.props.text为自定义属性,let等同于var;
      return (


class BlinkApp extends Component {
  render() {
    return (
        <Blink text='I love to blink' />
        <Blink text='Yes blinking is so great' />
        <Blink text='Why did they ever take this out of HTML' />
        <Blink text='Look at me look at me look at me' />
前(台)端(菜), 喜欢瞎折腾新技术. 乜野都识少少, 先可以扮代表:p